Hanging Out in the Dorm
Nice Shades!
Nice Shades (part two)!
Contemplating the next move....
Learning about energy flow
Exterior of main building
Oh no!
Tom raises his hand!!!!!!!!
Frosty Morning
Learning about glacial flow
Day Hike
Learning about rocks (and searching for weasels)
Preparing for night hike
Hot chocolate before bed
Unwinding after a hard day...
The next Kasparov?
Fire and games in the dorm
Survival skills - making fire
Bannock over an open fire.....yummy!
Construction begins
Construction well under way
Construction begins
Construction is complete
Fairly cozy...
Construction is almost comlplete
Goodbye speech by Alison. Great job!
Group photo
Homeward bound
*If anyone else has photos from Mono Cliffs that they would like posted please bring them to class on a USB key, CD or DVD.
Have a great weekend.
Do not forget about the Algebra Mid-Chapter test on Monday (and Math extra help monday morning)